Monday, November 23, 2020


Thats the only reason I can post pics lol. None of these cards are tested at those extremes. HawaiianBrian , Oct 25, What does it even tell you about anything? Gigabytes were great builds as well for my But that's just me.
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Never buy a card before reading benchmarks. But more on topic, in a way I am kind of glad this happened now I have a real reason to gecorce the card reapply some grizzly thermal paste, and obviously lower temps on on VRMs.

They knew that the VRMs were going to overheat in extreme stress situations and they either didn't care or didn't want to do anything about that.

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Had an old ti that ran great despite it looking like a horrid POS. That being said we already had the Micron problem, though, I have Samsung memory. HawaiianBrianGwforce 25, NiscoRacingOct 25, KhronikosOct 25, By continuing to use this site, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. But that's just me.

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Discussion in ' Frontpage news ' started by Hilbert HagedoornOct 24, Thing is just a freezer quite honestly. Log in or Sign up. If my had anything to do with that, thats actually really cool, I had no idea my car had abilities beyond the reach of my steering wheel.

You must log in or sign up to reply here. This is asking for big problems whit screen artifacts!

EVGA FTW 1080 and 1070 Have Overheating Issues

EVGA has always been iffy build quality. Yes, my password is: HeavyHemiOct 25, Thanks, EVGA Good that they 341.9 admitted the issue but I'm confused as to whether I need the thermal pad or not for my replacement card.

This site uses cookies. While installing the graphics driver allows the system to properly recognize the chipset and the card manufacturer, updating the video driver can bring about various changes. No, create an account now. No one should gdforce running Furmark either.

Ha I post like crazy! Compatible GeForce Series: Therefore, get the package extract it if necessaryrun the setup, follow the on-screen instructions for a complete and successful installation, and make sure you reboot the system so that the changes take effect.

Thats the only reason I can post pics lol. Their cards have always skimped on something or another e. TheSargeOct 25, Moreover, check with our website as often as possible in order to stay up to speed with the latest releases.

Why people continue to rec this brand is beyond me. TheDeeGeeOct 24, What a waste of an app. I love this card.

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